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Online Mid-Semester Student Feedback

Students respond to an online questionnaire giving feedback about what is going well in the course and providing suggestions for improvement. This service is voluntary and confidential to the course instructor.

The following free-response questions are used to collect feedback from your students:

  1. What do you like about the course?
  2. What aspects of the course would you like to see changed? How?
  3. What does the instructor do to help you learn?
  4. What could the instructor do to improve or increase learning opportunities in this class?

After the one-week feedback period is closed, you will receive a document via email with the compiled student comments.

Starting Spring 2022, all instructors will receive an email inviting them to opt-in to mid-semester student feedback.
Contact for help.

Visit for more information about the changes to Student Course Feedback.

Please fill out the form below. When you finish, click submit.

Last Updated: 7/28/22