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The Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence offers a myriad of services for instructors with an emphasis on best pedagogical practices and strategies for teaching in higher education. All CTLE services are confidential. You can read the CTLE Confidentiality Policy here.


From curriculum review and mapping, to departmental workshops, and syllabus course review, a CTLE consultant will discuss the best pedagogical practices and stratigies to enhace your teaching.

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Observations & Focus Groups

Gathering student feedback is valuable to identifying areas for instructional improvement. Many instructors have found that simple changes can help motivate students and enhance student learning. We can assist with faciliatating focus groups and developing qualitiative surveys.

Explore and Request a Observation


A catalog of courses that prepares individuals with the foundational pedagogical knowledge and skills to fulfill their teaching mission in an institution of higher education.

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Last Updated: 4/18/22