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Student Course Feedback | FAQs for Admins & Staff

How do I access old course feedback reports?

Courses feedback reports from 2007 - 2020 are archived in Box folders. Email to request access to the archived course feedback reports for your department.

Where can I find a copy of the old course feedback instrument?

You can find a copy of the standardized instrument we used from 2003 - 2020 here: Student Course Feedback Instrument (2003-2007).

How will the changing standardized instrument affect Retention, Promotion, and Tenure files?

University and College guidelines govern the inclusion of student feedback in RPT files. Student Course Feedback results are available to course instructors and the heads of course-offering units or their designees. Starting in Spring 2021, instructors and administrators will access student feedback results in Blue. CTLE has copies of historical PDF reports from Fall 2007 – Fall 2020. Request access to results in Blue or to historical PDF reports by emailing

How do students know about Student Course Feedback?

Students receive an initial email invitation to submit feedback on the day the survey opens. They receive two additional reminder emails throughout the survey period. Students are also greeted with a login prompt in Canavs when they have at least one open survey. Click here to learn more about how students can submit feedback.

Can our department or college add questions to the stanadardized instrument?

The standardized instrument is applied to all credit-bearing courses at the University of Utah. You can find guidelines for adding questions to the standardized instrument here: Adding Questions to the Standardized Instrument.

How do I check my courses or make changes to the course feedback surveys?

Blue automatically updates based on the information you enter in CLSS. Visit to verify and update course and instructor information using CLSS.

How do I add or remove an instructor or TA?

Use CLSS ( to edit the instructors or teaching assistants listed with your courses. Blue automatically updates based on the information you enter in CLSS.

How do I change survey dates?

Survey dates cannot be changed. They are programmed based on the class session assigned through CLSS ( The logic for survey dates is described below. If your class is a Miscellaneous session class, the end date you enter in CLSS will be the survey start date. To change the session for a class, please contact the Scheduling Office at

Regular Academic session (1) surveys open one week before the last day of class.

First-half & Second-half session (2 & 3) surveys open one week before the last day of class.

Miscellaneous session surveys (4) open on the last day of class and run for ten days.

Asia Campus sessions (5, 6, 7, & 8) follow the same pattern as corresponding Main Campus sessions.

Last Updated: 1/26/22