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Specifications Grading


In education, everything can feel subservient to grades. Specifications Grading (specs grading) challenges the traditional point-based approach to grading in a multitude of ways. For example, transparent expectations, student autonomy, and reduced subjectivity when grading. This workshop will focus on the following key facets of specs grading: (1) clearly defined learning outcomes, (2) a pass-fail grading system, and (3) multiple opportunities for students to exhibit mastery of learning outcomes. First, we will cover the foundations of the specs grading system, followed by examples of specs grading work, and finish up with a framework that instructors can implement in their classes.

Event Information

Presenter(s): Kat Pagano and Mindie Clark

Audience: faculty, researchers, postdocs, graduate students, and staff

Last Updated: 4/20/22