Classroom Environment
Classroom environment plays a significant role in student learning. When students feel a sense of belonging in class, they are more likely to participate in discussions, interact with classmates, and succeed academically. The following resources provide a variety of ways in which faculty and instructors can create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment.
Setting the Tone
- 101 Things You Can Do in the First Three Weeks of Class (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
- Disarming Racial Microaggressions (American Psychological Association)
- Exclusive vs Inclusive Language in the Classroom (University of Utah)
- Freshman "Are Souls That Want To Be Awakened" (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Learning Students' Names (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
- Sample First Day Outline (University of Utah)
- Setting the Tone for an Inclusive Classroom (University of Utah)
- The Most Important Day (University of Nebraska)
- Classroom Environment Inventory (assessment) (Case Western Reserve University)
Promoting Civility
- Behavioral Intervention Team (University of Utah)
- Faculty Responses to Incivility (P.M. Forni)
- Framing Classroom Incivility (Inside Higher ED)
- Reducing Incivility in the University/College Classroom (Brandon University)
- The Concept of Incivility- A Case Study (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
- Understanding Student and Faculty Incivility in Higher Education (The Journal of Effective Teaching)